I know you want this [FIRSTNAME], because we all do.
You just need something "extra" to help you access it. Atleast, I know I did!
Because as you'll see in a few moments, YOU my dear are the creator of your entire experience, both good and bad.
Just as you create the exciting times and windfalls of money to spend as you wish, so are you creating the frustration, stress and past due bills.
I know it may not be what you want to hear, because it's natural for us to want to shift blame onto something else. Atleast this way we don't have to carry the burden of FAILURE.
But the truth is, it's not you that failed but instead our society and the way you were taught in schools and by parents. What you truly needed to know as a young child, was never shown!
And that TRUTH is that within the power of your MIND, you can transform anything you wish... but it's not easy.
Think of it like a muscle needing exercised, your brain's creative power must be treated the same. Otherwise it withers up, and becomes useless when you need it most.
Like the day your finances hit rock bottom, and you must summon up a way to overcome this and shine.
Or you stop feeling that energy, vitality, and abundant health like you did in your younger years... and you must harness a force beyond to live your dreams and regain that youth!