I hadn’t always lived in the “ideal” conditions growing up.
Unfortunately, my parents subscribed to the lack mindset rather than ever coming to the realization that even they too were on a divine soul mission that could have unlocked their code to abundance.
Living in impoverished conditions caused a domino effect in our lives.
Both my mother and my father were more faithful to their ego then their spiritual connection to the Universe, so my childhood home wasn’t always the most inviting place to be…
Even going to school was a struggle because I didn’t feel confident in myself.
We could never afford to eat healthy, nutritional foods that actually fueled my body and brain, so of course that was also reflective in my appearance.
I just felt like I never fully connected with the vessel I was in, which is an integral piece of the Universal trinity: mind, body, soul…
These negative experiences had pushed me to take that leap of faith and spontaneously leave to visit my ancestral family near the Himalayan mountains before graduating High School to truly find myself -- or rather, connect back all the parts of myself.
As the old saying goes...
"A Man’s Relationship With His Father Has a Huge Impact On How He Sees Himself..."
I am sad to say that although our home appeared to be happy on the outside, my mother was very verbally abusive to my father and I could tell that his confidence was directly affected by this.
Instead of turning inward, he turned towards a bottle of liquor to heal his wounds.
Not only did he deal with stress -- the biggest cause of disease in the body -- but he ended up developing liver disease, his immune system weakened dramatically, and of course, his mental health was hanging on by a thread.
Even though I knew these were bad habits to take on, I still internalized a lot of his behaviors and developed my own auto-immune issues myself, type 1 diabetes.
Once I had been diagnosed, I saw flashes of my childhood flash before my eyes…
At the time of diagnosis, I was only 17!
One of the things that I learned on my journey is that diabetes is the 17th leading cause of death in the United States.
Again, I hadn’t even graduated high school yet!
On a spiritual level, I knew that I had way too much to do in this lifetime to give up on my future like that.
I was on a mission to learn everything I could about auto-immune issues. They are typically triggered by 3 things…
Genetics (which I had from my father and grandparents)
An incredibly stressful event or period of time
With the stress from living in an abusive home…
Having been exposed to the disruptive behaviors of an alcoholic early on…
Combined with a lack of awareness about health and wellness, I knew that the odds were stacked against me.
And I began getting VERY sick for REAL.
After about Two Months of This, My Body Said “enough!” I Had Just Split a Coca-Cola With My Mom….Then BOOM! After Becoming Faint and Incoherent, I Passed Out On The Floor!
I found out later that was my first diabetic induced shock that almost led me to a coma.
I could not continue on this way -- I knew that my body wouldn’t let me.
The Sherpas (indigenous people of the Himalayas) helped me with understanding more about natural medicines and holistic health when I finally ventured out on my own.
I had already done a TON of research and learned everything I could about healing with supplements, a healthy diet, cleansing, juicing, fasting…
I tried essential oils, chiropractic, acupuncture, deep tissue massage, cupping, and lots of other natural healing modalities.
And most of them helped, but…
I still had very low energy and many days of complete exhaustion when I would push too hard or not get enough sleep.
I still had to be very careful about everything I ate and take my insulin in order to maintain a “healthy” state.
Things were getting better with my health, but they were far from great.
As I had begun conducting more astrology and tarot readings, I began to notice that I needed more energy to be able to truly tap into energetic fields to get an accurate reading.
As woo-sah as I may seem when conducting a reading, this practice takes a lot of energy to connect to the spiritual realms around us.
I knew that if I wanted to reach Grandmaster Level with my readings, I would have to take my health and wellness to the next level.
I had hit a wall with my research.
Then something magical happened...
...I could feel the beautiful energy radiating all around her. And she exuded peace and balance.
She was bursting with energy and vitality like no one I’d ever seen in my life!
And I was flat-on-the-floor shocked to find out that she was 60 years old!
I was nearly a third of her age at the time, but you wouldn’t have guessed it by how I looked.
The years of stress and health issues had made me look at least 35 years old and I was barely in my early 20’s at this time.
I asked her how much yoga and exercise I’d have to do to look and feel like her.
Hope said, “almost none.”
I didn’t believe my ears. This yoga instructor just told me I had to do almost no yoga to be like her?
“So, what DO I need to do?” I questioned…
Hope smiled and began speaking softly, her voice like a gentle breeze...
“Yoga Happens in Your Mind First. Visualize Your Body Becoming More Energized and Youthful.”
It made perfect sense, and the research I found when I got home proved it.
In fact, people who visualize themselves exercising actually grow and change their muscles!
Mental exercises like meditation are just as important as physical exercise…
And if you’re stressed out, it’s even more critical to calm your mind.
Honestly, I began pulling these mental AND physical exercises into my daily routine and my reading skills reached a new level -- Grandmaster Level!
This was the missing piece that I had been searching for so long -- the key to better health, more confidence, and a divine connection to Universal Intelligence that enhances spiritual intuition -- on a conscious and subconscious level.